Friday, September 2, 2011


Can a school take away the first ammendment right of a student and then go ahead and say it was in the best interest of the student? Wouldn't the best interest of the student be their first ammendment rights? Well, no. Very often two values overlap eachother. In these cases sacrifices are to be made. I hope we would all want the kind of government that looks out for our safety and well being. We see freedom of speech as a way to ensure our safety as free people. But, what if that speech offset a reaction that posed a danger to society. Surely physical safety is as important as freedom. One would not exist without the other. So in order to get that balance, the governent is and should be allowed to ban certain "speech". We see this in schools. Certain language or even symbolic speech has the potential to hurt other students. It could directly lead to physical bullying, or lead to students commiting suicide. The school is doing a good job by preveting certain "speech" that might cause one of these. Freedom of speech is important, but safety is important too. The schools are acting for the better of the students by limiting freedom of speech to some extent.

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