After reading facts from both sides of the abortion argument I have to side with prochoice.
It's clear that the debate goes beyond just facts because both sides argued "facts" that contradict each other. According to NARAL, abortion can be safe and harmless. According to NRLC, abortion is dangerous and harmful. To make an educated decision on the moroality and legality of abortion, you have to look at the facts on both sides and make a decision on what makes more sense. The way I see it, is people are so attached to this issue that you cannot really change someone's mind one way or another. Therefore the best option would be letting them choose for themselves if they want an abortion or not. PRO CHOICE would be the solution. It makes perfect sense. In a democracy one opinion is not pushed onto everyone and one religion is not pushed onto everyone. Each American gets to choose what religion they want to follow or not to follow any religion. Logically, abortion should be treated the same way.
Legally, I guess I can see why parents would have to consent to thier child's decision to have an abortion. You can argue that a child still owns their body, but then children should be able to get tatoos, piercings, plastic surgency, and other major life altering procedures done at a young age. Personally though I don't think it should be necesarry. The reason consent is needed for most of the medical procedures above it because teens don't have fully developed frontal lobes and therefore need thier parents to guide thier important decisions. However with this information, a teen without a frontal lobe is less likely to be able to manage raising an infant and giving it the amount of care it needs. Having an abortion would allow that teen to continue growing and developing so that later in thier life they can have and raise a baby without the stress of being a teenager. I think if a daughter wants to go to a clinic and have it done, they should be able to. I also understand though why a law would be made to make sure parental consent if present.
A father should have to be notified about the abortion. The father should not get to have a say in the abortion though. It's the woman's body, not the man's. Since it is the man's DNA in the fetus, it should get to know if it is being aborted.
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