Wednesday, February 15, 2012


According to this CBS news article by the year 2050 it is possible that whites may no longer be the overwhelming majority in America. The article gives statistics showing minorities made up 48 percent of American children born in 2008, compared to 37 percent born in 1990  (CBS News 2010). With this trend continuing it might continue to get higher before it caps. Now this article was back in 2010 and I'm not sure how the exact numbers look today, but it is interesting to think of an America where the minorities outnumber the majority. In this possible future, do you see our government positions still being occupied by an overwhelming ratio of white people? How about our top schools being mostly all white schools? Even if the white population isn't as predominant, will the white population continue to be the most dominant race in terms of social and economical class? Or will the minorities have a big enough population increase to finally give them the strength and opportunity to fight for their equal standards of living?
In a white yet 'unracist' America, incidents such as what happened at UC San Diego back in 2010 where a student hung a noose on campus, still exist. (For more information read this article). Now I understand these are college kids, and in the presence of their friends they may act in ways they normally wouldn't. Their morals might bend in order to be liked or seem cool. However, even though this kid was probably not racist and would probably be against the hanging of an actual black person, it doesn't excuse the act. Even without racist intentions the African American students, who make up only 1.6% of the undergraduates there, still feel the impact of discrimination. Through simple acts like these, they feel as if their race's suffering is still just a joke to white people. Maybe some day when White's are not in the comfort of being such an overwhelming majority they will start to think of consequences for their unintended racist actions. I think it will be good for America if the minorities were to become greater in population than the white majority. Not only will it embrace diversity within our culture, but maybe tear away at the core problems of racism in today's society as well.

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