Monday, March 19, 2012


Their motto: Everyone has the power and tools to heal themselves, they just need to know how.
Recently, I was in San Diego, CA and had the incredible oppurtunity to volunteer at the office of the Gerson Institute. The Gerson Institute is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing education and training in the Gerson Therapy, an alternative, non-toxic treatment for cancer and other chronic degenerative diseases. The Gerson Therapy is a natural treatment that activates the body’s extraordinary ability to heal itself through an entirely raw diet.
At Gerson, I spent an entire morning preparing lunch. Every hour or so I would get handed a fresh juice. It was a great experiance all around. One specific moment, however, I will remember forever. In the kitchen I was joined by this woman who brought all this positive energy into the kitchen by energetically singing along to the soulful music playing on the radio. At the end of my time in the kitchen Eric, my mentor, asked me how old I thought she was. I guessed about 40 years old. She was 67 and has had cancer for six years. She has not used any sort of chemotherapy or western medication, but does the Gerson Therapy. The cancer has not spread and she is a healthy woman with tons of energy. I knew eating raw will make someone look younger, but I was amazed by its effects on this woman with cancer. I eat extremely healthy and I try and eat mostly raw, but this moment reminded me the power food alone has on someone and has driven me to want to become as close to 100 percent raw as possible.
My message to everyone else out there is that while everyone wants to be younger, thinner, as well as the best academically and athletically, what you eat alone can affect all of that. Logically it makes sense what goes into the body will directly affect how it functions. If absolutely no poison, artificial chemicals, pesticides, carcinogens, or anything else unhealthy enters the body, and an immense amount of nutrients is put into the body, one has to wonder what positive effects this can have on the body’s ability to function. Many environmentalists also admit it is better for the environment as well.
As far as all of the health problem in today's society brought on by bad eating habits, the reverse of that should be good eating habits. Not medicine. The medicine that drug companies provide to solve some of these problems come with hazardous and sometimes life threatening side effects. There has to be a natural way to get rid of illness without bringing on another one. The drug company corporations care more about making money than the common good of the people. They have successfully lobbied congress to make the use of food as medicine illegal in America. That is why researching this topic and proving eating healthy alone can make a difference is essential to the progress of human health. The Gerson Insitute is working to change this, and unfortunately they have to practice in Mexico and Hungry because their work is illegal in the United States. This is wrong in itself.

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