Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Drinking Contradiction

In class we've been talking about the drinking problem mostly among college students. That's right, parents pay thousands of dollars to send their kids off to party. We discussed how when you're drunk your brain is less capable, if at all, of making responsible decisions and therefore people enjoy getting drunk because they can do whatever they want without baring any responsibility for the consequences of their behavior. In today's society, students who drink in order to get drunk and not have to act responsibly, ironically are being incredibly irresponsible. It's one thing if you're out to dinner and accidentally have a few too many drinks. But, if you are purposely drinking not to have responsibility you are choosing to put yourself in a situation where you don't have to be liable for anything and that in itself is the most irresponsible thing a person can do. Their actions to get drunk contradict their reasons for wanting to be drunk. If your goal is ultimately to not have to be responsible, then whatever you do while under the influence you are most responsible for because you didn't accidentally get in that situation, you purposely did.

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