Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Gilad Shalit- A Sign For Peace

If you know anything about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, you would know who Gilad Shalit is. He was kidnapped by Hamas and held captive until Israel would agree to release many Palestinian prisoners. Because many of the Palestinian prisoners are criminals who caused the deaths of many innocent Israeli's, for the past almost 5 years Israel has not been able to agree to this negotiation. However, as of today the Prime Minister of Israel, Netanyahu, has finally made an agreement with Hamas. Gilad Shalit will be coming home to a warm welcome in his homeland of Israel despite people's varying opinions.
I would like to give my input on this historical event. I do not underestimate what this treaty's impact is on the conflict. I always knew peace, especially within my generation, is possible. Now, I hope the world can see it too.  Especially at a time when many people have lost hope, I hope the world will look at this event and not just see "Gilad Shalit is free". No. I hope they see this was a negotiation done by Israeli's and Palestinian's, that sacrifices were made on both sides, and that peace is possible between the two. This issue did take almost 5 years to resolve, and I'm not saying the conflict will be resolved overnight. But it's possible and Gilad's release reminds us all that there are people on both sides who do want peace.

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