Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Finally, legislation passes a law that the common people will benefit from. How annoying is it whenever a commercial comes on and you have to mute the television because for some reason commercials are always way louder than the television program you're watching? Most of what we watch today might be recorded where we have the luxury of fast forwarding through the commercials, but the times when you have to watch the commercials is when you need it lowered the most anyways. When you're sitting around the television with your family watching the big game, commercials are the actual quality time where you talk to one another. With them being so loud it gets annoying. Well now, thanks to legislation, your daily lives have been improved. Obama signed the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation act on December 15, 2011. The act restricts the volume of commercials to be no louder than that of the program. Was this the most important thing that needed to be done? No, but it was a simple example of legislation seeing something in society that can be improved upon, and making a law improving it. To add on to the good news, this law happened just in time for all the annoying political candidate commercials that are to come with the new election year.  I am very excited about this law and it will definitely benefit the majority of us who probably watch a little too much television.

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